8 Fun Activities at Our West Michigan Forest School

At Creative Nature Academy, children can play, explore, and learn amidst the beauty of the great outdoors. Here, every day is filled with joyful explorations and playful discoveries that ignite curiosity and foster a deep love for nature.

Our students immerse themselves in the wonders of their surroundings, embarking on their own pilgrimage that blend structured and unstructured play. The activities we share are not only fun but also align with the creative and educational values we cherish.

We are excited to share some of our most beloved nature activities—those that our students ask for time and again. Each activity is designed to engage, educate, and inspire, offering children a unique opportunity to connect with nature while developing essential life skills.

Here are eight engaging activities that highlight the joys of playing in nature.

1. Nature Scavenger Hunts

Kids embark on guided scavenger hunts, searching for specific natural items like pine cones, feathers, wildflowers, and rocks. We love to have the kids create their own scavenger hunt checklist, either for themselves or for a friend. This activity can easily adapt to various age and skill levels. Ideas for scavenger hunt themes include colors, 5 senses, invertebrates, birds, and can easily be tailored to seasonal adventures. Equipped with a checklist and a magnifying glass, binoculars, or nets, children explore the forest, learning to identify different plants and animals. This structured activity promotes teamwork, sharpens observation skills, and fosters a deep appreciation for biodiversity.

Materials: Checklist, exploration tools (magnifying glass, binoculars, pond nets).
Benefits: Enhances observational skills, encourages teamwork, and builds knowledge of local flora and fauna, supporting curiosity-driven learning.

Shadow art inspires children to harness the natural sunlight to create unique masterpieces.

2. Shadow Art

Shadow art inspires children to harness the natural sunlight to create unique masterpieces. Guided by their curiosity, they cast shadows with objects like delicate leaves, ferns, and branches on a piece of paper, tracing the intricate shadows. This hands-on activity not only encourages observation and creativity but also provides a tangible way for children to explore the interplay of light and objects in their environment.

We love to encourage children to step into the spotlight themselves, creating a personal connection to their artwork by casting their own silhouette for a friend to trace. To enhance their creations, we encourage our students to use nature's palette—think natural paints derived from plant pigments and found treasures like colorful petals and textured twigs—to fill in their shadow art with vibrant hues and intricate details.

Materials: Paper, pencils or markers, various natural objects (leaves, sticks, stones), sunlight or a flashlight for cloudy days
Benefits: Enhances creativity, teaches basic principles of light and shadow, and improves fine motor skills, while also encouraging observation and scientific thinking.

3. Making Nature Paint

Children can create their own natural paints by crushing berries, flowers, leaves, mud, and ground-up rocks. Using these homemade paints, they create vibrant artwork, learning about natural sources of color and the process of making paint.Creating nature paint is an exciting and immersive activity that connects children with the natural world while fostering their creativity. By using materials directly from their environment, children can make their own vibrant paints and discover the beauty and versatility of natural colors. Crush the collected materials separately in small bowls. Add a bit of water to each bowl to achieve the desired paint consistency. Crush the collected materials separately in small bowls. Add a bit of water to each bowl to achieve the desired paint consistency. Safety First: Ensure that the materials collected are safe and non-toxic. Avoid using any plants or berries that could be harmful if touched or ingested.

Materials: Berries, flowers, leaves, mud, small rocks, hammer, paint brushes, towel, small bowls, paintbrushes, water, and thick paper or canvas on hand.

Benefits: Enhances creativity, fosters artistic expression, teaches scientific principles, promotes fine motor skills, and encourages environmental awareness. 

This hands-on activity not only stimulates tactile sensations but also nurtures fine motor skills as children manipulate different textures and materials. As they pour, stir, and mold their creations, they develop dexterity and coordination in a natural, engaging environment.

4. Mud Kitchen

At Creative Nature Academy, our mud kitchen is a cherished space where children embark on andventures through playful exploration. Here, young chefs dive into the earthy delights of mixing soil, water, and an array of natural ingredients such as leaves, flowers, and small pebbles. They joyfully concoct imaginative creations like "mud pies," soups, and potions, engaging all their senses in a transformative culinary journey.

This hands-on activity not only stimulates tactile sensations but also nurtures fine motor skills as children manipulate different textures and materials. As they pour, stir, and mold their creations, they develop dexterity and coordination in a natural, engaging environment. Moreover, the mud kitchen ignites imaginative play, encouraging children to invent stories and roles as chefs, gardeners, or scientists exploring the wonders of nature's pantry.

Materials: Soil, water, leaves, flowers, small pebbles, kitchen utensils (bowls, spoons, pots)
Benefits: Develops fine motor skills, encourages imaginative play, and provides sensory experiences, enhancing cognitive and emotional development.

5. Storytime Under the Trees

Imagine a magical story time nestled under the leafy canopy of a giant tree! Settle into a cozy circle adorned with plush animals, soft blankets, mats, and cushions, surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. Embark on a journey through a captivating nature-themed tale.

After the story unfolds, encourage the children to bring their imaginations to life—acting out scenes from the story or crafting their own tales inspired by the natural world around them. This blend of structured storytelling and open-ended play not only sparks creativity but also strengthens communication skills as children express their ideas and emotions freely. These shared experiences foster a strong sense of community among the children, building bonds as they collaborate and support each other in their imaginative adventures.

Materials: Mats, cushions, blanket, books with nature-themed stories
Benefits: Enhances communication skills, boosts confidence, fosters community, and stimulates imagination, crucial for social and emotional growth.

At our forest school, each obstacle course blends the joy of physical activity with the beauty of nature, fostering confidence, resilience, and a lifelong appreciation for active outdoor play.

6. Nature Obstacle Courses

At Creative Nature Academy, we design exhilarating obstacle courses using logs, rocks, ropes, and natural elements to inspire children of all ages. They eagerly navigate these courses, balancing on logs, leaping over rocks, and maneuvering under ropes with laughter and enthusiasm. This dynamic setup enhances physical fitness and coordination and fosters teamwork and camaraderie.

For older kids, we offer variations such as timed runs and modified obstacles, challenging them to strategize and build endurance. These adaptations ensure that every participant finds excitement and fulfillment in overcoming challenges while exploring our outdoor environment. At our forest school, each obstacle course blends the joy of physical activity with the beauty of nature, fostering confidence, resilience, and a lifelong appreciation for active outdoor play. Join us at Creative Nature Academy, where every obstacle is an adventure in fun, fitness, and friendship amidst nature's wonders.

Materials: Logs, rocks, ropes, cones
Benefits: Promotes physical fitness, coordination, teamwork, and confidence, important for physical and social development.

7. Creative Nature Games

We introduce structured Creative Nature Games like “Nature Tag” or “Leaf Relay,” where kids learn about their environment while having fun. Games that involve hiding or hiding objects help kids slow down and notice the smaller world around them, like moss or rolly pollies. Another great nature game is Nature Memory Challenge. This is played a little differently, where one person displays nature items on a bandana or within a square made by sticks. The other person is “it” and has 30 seconds to memorize the board and then turn away or close their eyes. While their eyes are closed, the designer removes or rearranges items on the “board.” Whoever is "it" will then try to spot what has changed. These activities use natural materials like leaves, pine cones, and sticks, promoting physical activity, cooperation, and a playful connection to nature.

Materials: Leaves, pine cones, sticks, game markers
Benefits: Encourages physical activity, cooperation, environmental awareness, attention to detail, and supports holistic learning and social skills.

8. Nature Boat Building Adventure

Build and sail your very own nature boat creation and see it sail in nearby stream or pond. Using sticks, leaves, bark, and other natural materials, they test buoyancy and experiment with design and balance. This hands-on activity turns learning into a fun-filled exploration of basic physics and scientific experimentation, all while sparking creativity and imagination.

As they craft their boats, children engage in trial and error, refining their designs to create the perfect vessel. This playful activity not only teaches essential principles of buoyancy and weight distribution but also fosters teamwork and communication skills as students work together. With every boat they sail, kids develop a deeper connection to nature and a joyful curiosity about the world around them.

Materials: Sticks, leaves, bark, and other natural items
Benefits: Encourages creativity, scientific inquiry, understanding of basic physics, problem-solving, teamwork, and a playful connection to nature. It supports holistic learning and helps children develop a deeper appreciation for the environment.

As they craft their boats, children engage in trial and error, refining their designs to create the perfect vessel. With every boat they sail, kids develop a deeper connection to nature and a joyful curiosity about the world around them.


At Creative Nature Academy’s West Michigan Forest School, we believe that playful learning in nature is the key to nurturing creativity, resilience, and a lifelong passion for the outdoors. Each of the activities we offer provides unique benefits, from boosting physical fitness to sparking scientific curiosity. Nature paint, for example, encourages artistic expression while engaging with natural materials, helping children develop fine motor skills and an appreciation for the environment.

Our approach ensures that children not only learn about the world around them but also develop essential life skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability. By immersing themselves in the natural world, children gain a deeper understanding of their place within it and learn to respect and care for their surroundings.

Ready to inspire your child's imagination and love for nature? Enroll today and watch your child thrive in the most natural classroom there is! With a curriculum designed to harness the endless possibilities of outdoor learning, your child will embark on a journey filled with adventure, discovery, and growth. What exciting outdoor adventures will your child embark on next? Share your thoughts and experiences with us, and join our community of nature enthusiasts dedicated to fostering a love for the outdoors in every child.


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