Our Founder, Jesica

From the Field Guide of Jesica:

Hey there, fellow Adventurer! I'm Jesica (you can call me Miss Fox). I’m the trailblazer behind Creative Nature Academy, where we embark on wild journeys of discovery in nature's supportive embrace.

My story is fueled by the fire of adventure and the call of the great outdoors. One of my earliest memories is of tromping through the wilds next to my friend with a Barbie clutched in one hand and a stick in the other. With the wind as my guide and the stars as my compass, we dared to explore graveyards, climb trees, follow streams, and catch squiggly creatures. We came home when we got hungry. I never felt threatened, and always trusted in the wisdom of the wilderness. Along the way I learned to trust intuition and to honor the silent whispers of the earth and the sky.

In my teens, I did not have strong connection to be home, so I found my own belonging and discovered the tools of gentle guidance. These tools were crucial when I became a parent myself, vowing to be present, involved, respectful, and gently demanding on my own kid. These skills inform everything I do at Creative Nature Academy.

Founding Creative Nature Academy was both a fantastic dream and a mission - born from a deep wellspring of hard-earned self-respect and acceptance. In a world that often seeks to mold us into its image, I've come to deeply value myself and my time as a recognition the precious gift of life in every moment. Sanctity is found in the company of kindred spirits and curious souls.

At Creative Nature Academy we don’t just teach, we journey. We help children to show up fully without fragmenting themselves and to embrace every aspect of themselves in every moment. Through rugged adventures, playful explorations, and moments of quiet reflection, we instill in our young adventurers a profound sense of self-worth, self-belonging, and community.

As a seasoned explorer of both the outer and inner realms, I bring over a decade of experience in outdoor education, mindfulness practices, and childhood development. I believe that by immersing ourselves in the natural world, we unlock a door to limitless possibilities, learning not only about the world around us but also about the depths within us.

Outside of my life’s work as a guide at Creative Nature Academy, you'll often find me seeking solitude in the flowing skirts of snow-dressed mountains, dancing with the waves along sandy dune coastlines, or basking in the glow of a campfire under a star-strewn sky with my buddies. For me, nature isn't just a destination—it's a way of life, a source of inspiration, and a boundless wellspring of wisdom.

Join me and our pack of intrepid adventurers at Creative Nature Academy - where every day is an adventure waiting to unfold, and every child is reminded to embrace their inner wildness and roar like the wind, glide with the eagles, and pounce on opportunities for growth.

Our Values







Curiosity • Adventure • Respect • Trust • Jubilence • Acceptance •

Our Brand Promise

We promise to teach through games and test through experience. We promise to harness the powers of joy and stillness and learn from them. We promise to respect the autonomy of every student and teacher. We promise to honor the whole person’s emotional, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual being. We promise to fall in love with existence, to recognize beauty in the cycles of life and death playing out everywhere all at once. We promise to help each other better understand the languages of nature, to hear her voice, and to call out to her in return.

Meet the Team

  • Jesica Lamden


  • Alyssa


  • Jade


Join Us at
Creative Nature Academy!